Welcome to the Cosmic Cafe! You probably don't know why you want to be here (and you definitely shouldn't WANT to be here), but that's not important. All that's important is that your bosses are hungry, which means it's time to get cooking before they turn their appetite to the universe around them. No pressure!


WASD to move.

E to interact.


Level 1: Cthulhu wants a Star,  an Asteroid Belt, and a Terrestrial Planet.

Level 2: Nyarlathotep desires a  Neutron Star, and Eldritch Moon, and a Dwarf Planet

Level 3: Azathoth hungers for a Red Giant, a set of Planetary Rings, and a Gas Giant.

Item Boxes:

Dying Star: The bright blue box! Contains the remains of star on the end of its life.

Moon: The box with a...moon on it. Contains moons. Yeah.

Stardust: The bright orange box. Contains elements from the collapse of older stars.


Black Holes: Um, ackshually, they're wormholes...moves you from wormhole exit to exit. Which one leads where? Up to you to find out!

Absolute Zero Fields: They were Absolute Zero before you stepped onto them. Slows you down.

Reality Rifts: Don't. Touch. These cross-shaped scars in the reality WILL send you to the world beyond.


Temporal Traveler - The little thermos chamber. Flows spacetime over objects with the power of a White Hole. Rewinds dying stars into live ones, ages moons into Eldritch Moons, and coalesces stardust into Gas Giants.

Gravity Compressor - The cube looking device. Compresses and pulls apart whatever you put in! Crushes dying stars into Neutron Stars, pulls apart moons into Planetary Rings, and squishes stardust into Terrestrial Planets.

Astral Hammer - A universally scaled Hydraulic Press. Smashes things down with brute force. Crushes the hydrogen out of a dying star for a Red Giant, shatters Moons into Asteroid Belts, and beats stardust into Dwarf Planets


Zachary Tieu

Bien Hou

Diego Galileo Melendez

Samantha Abalayan

Juan Higuera

Christina Wang 

Joshua Kim

Jiaxin Ji

Zirui Huang

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